Terms and Agreement

Delivery and Pickup

Our prices are based on one day rentals. However, based on our delivery and pickup terms, you will likely have access to our items one day prior to your event and one day after your event. If you need our items for a longer period of time, please call us to discuss adjusted rental rates.

Delivery dates and times will discussed at least one week before your event. We deliver at least one day in advance of your event date.

Pickup dates and times will discussed at least one week before your event. We pickup no later then one day after your event date.

Our team will set up all rental items according to your order. It is required that your event area to be clear of all items and debris.

If our team is required to carry items up stairs, an additional fee may apply. This should be discussed prior to your event.

Site Preparation

When setting up your tent, we drive 42″ stakes into the ground. It will be the customer’s responsibility to indicate to us if underground utilities will be a factor when installing your tent.